Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Resident Services

The Housing Authority of the City of High Point (HPHA) Resident Services’ Department provides programs and services that empowers our residents and helps them to succeed academically, economically and socially.

The primary focus areas are: Family Self-Sufficiency, Congregate Housing Services Program, and Youth Services.

  • Family Self-Sufficiency - helps families improve their financial situation and offers career opportunities through a variety of counseling services including: employment, educational, home ownership, budgeting and credit.
  • Congregate Housing Services Program - provides qualifying elderly and disabled residents with supportive services, to enable them to have an improved quality of life and live independently.
  • Youth Services - empowers program participants and establishes a foundation for economic independence and self-sufficiency. Programs include academics, tutorial services, summer camp activities, athletic programs, financial literacy, etc.
  • Resident Opportunity and Self Sufficiency Education - also known as Project SOAR (Students + Opportunities + Achievements = Results) provides individualized assistance to public housing youth between the ages of 15-20 and their families in FAFSA completion, financial literacy and college readiness, post-secondary program applications and post-acceptance assistance.